Concierge Services / PCP
Concierge medicine is a membership based service that allows for personalized care and direct communication with the doctor.
Cupping FAQ
- General Detox. Rejuvenate. Revitalize.
- Removes Stagnant Blood, helps to improve circulation
- Improves Inflammatory States
- Improves Wound Healing
- Improving Immunity
- Improve digestion, remove tendency to faint and promote menstrual flow
- Possible role in treating energy imbalances
- Helps to remove toxins from Drugs, Alcohol, and Cannabis
Mainly here, we focus on pain or any specific areas to help you detox. In the past cupping has been used to treat over 50 conditions some of these are listed below:
- Respiratory Illnesses (asthma, chest congestion, common cold)
- Allergy
- Pain Syndromes (Headache, Tension, Migraines, Low Back pain, Neuropathic Pain)
- Facial Palsy/Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Skin Diseases (Cellulite, Burns, Acne, Melasma, Shingles, Eczema, Hives, Bee Sting, Neurodermatitis (lichen simplex)
- Nerve Related (Sciatica, Possible role in Bells Palsy)
- Smoking (remove toxins) via Helps to remove oxidative stress.
- Renal Failure
- High Blood Pressure (reducing interstitial fluid)
- Possible role in eating disorders /Depression
- Burns (toxin release)
- Gout
- Muscle/Skeletal problems (Fibromyalgia, Neuralgias, Myofasical pain, Muscle strains, or muscle pain, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
- Chronic fatigue Syndrome
- Patients on blood thinners cannot receive wet cupping (Plavix, Xaralto) etc. or if they have any bleeding problems such as hemophilia
- Pregnant women will not be treated.
- Cupping involves the creation of vacuum suction or negative pressure.
- This ‘suction ‘ starts to collect blood along with toxins that are brought to the surface.
- Small cuts are then made on the skin.
- Suction cups are re applied to the skin allowing for increased absorption at the arterial and venous end of the small capillaries.
- Toxins are collected at the end and discarded.
- The whole process of cupping allows for increase in blood flow. Increase blood flow has a positive effect on stimulation of the body’s system to help promote healing. Furthermore, by means of wet cupping endorphin /hormone release occurs that has beneficial effects that reduce inflammation.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine or (TCM) suggests that cupping draws out ‘heat’ and ‘dampness’ in the body to promote well being.
Weight Loss FAQ
We are offering weight loss with the help of GLP 1 agonists, such as Terzepatide with telemedicine appointments.
- Stimulate pancreas to release insulin leading to lower sugar level
- Help with weight loss
- Promote early satiety
Option 1
1 month supply $350 (2 ml bottle)
Option 2
2-3 month supply $550 (5ml bottle)
Approx. 20 % of total body weight however more weight loss can be achieved with diet and exercise modification
It definitely works. I have seen excellent results In my panel of several hundred patients along with family members and myself as a testimony that it does work.
Generally, yes, most clinics are offering Tirzepatide with B12 shots to help elevated energy levels.
It is given as a small injection in the subcutaneous fat in the abdomen.
All GLP agonists may have side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, GI upset
rarely it could cause pancreatitis. I have seen about 1 case of pancreatitis in about 300-400 people.
I have personally used Semiglutide and Tirzepatide.
I have not experienced any side effects with Tirzepatide, This is why I'm in favor of using Tirzepatide over all the other GLP1 agonist
Pregnant women
Anyone with history of thyroid cancer
Diabetics with Type 1 should consult their endocrine doctors for expert opinion
Telemedicine FAQ
Telemedicine is a word used to describe providing health care at a distance.
Dr Paruk is board certified in Family Medicine. He will be happy to see Pediatrics, Adults, and the Elderly.
Tele consults should be concise and to the point 10-15 minutes maximum for an acute care visit.
We are available 24 hours per day
We offer treatment for most common medical issues below, and we also can offer
Sick leave medical excuse, Lab interpretation, & Medication refills
- Acne
- Addictions
- Anxiety
- Alopecia
- Allergies
- Acid Reflux
- Acute Bronchitis
- Asthma exacerbations
- Athletes foot
- Back & Joint Pain
- Cold & Flu
- Cold Sores
- Constipation
- Contraception management
- Cough
- Mastitis
- Migraines
- Nasal Congestion
- Nausea
- Neck Pain
- Nosebleed
- Pink Eye
- Psoriasis
- Rash
- Scabies
- Sinus infections
- Smoking cessation
- Sore Throat/Tonsilitis
- Sprains and Strains
- Thrush
- Tonsillitis
- Travel advice encounter
- Upset Stomach
- Vaginal Itching
- Vaginitis
- Vaginal bleeding
- Vomiting
- Weakness
- Yeast Infections
And more!!
In order to set up appt, pls send text to 813-904-4069
Medical Cannabis
NP Supervision FAQ
We welcome partnership/supervision of NP/and or midlevel providers in the following states FL, NC, OH, TX, GA, CO pls contact me by phone or email for more information.